Saturday, September 30, 2006


I received lots of gifts this week. Made me feel all loved and missed! My momma (not my biological mother, my momma is way cooler! ;) sent me some yummy hot chocolate drinks. I had the white chocolate one last night and it was delicious. Papa Bear and Val sent me cd's of music and church services which were very cool and oreo cookies! YUMMY!! Everyone commented on me being so popular as i had mail every day of the week and had a new letter or parcel to open.
I read the most amazing book the other day ( i read it in one day) called 'Taming the Tiger - The story of a real kung-fu artist'. The guys story is incredible! He went through a lot as a child that would be called honourable in China but he was basically abused viciously by his family and shifted about from pillar to post. He became the gratest kung-fu expert and believed that the only God was the God within himself. He ended up in jail and all sorts of madness happened including FINDING JESUS!! YAAY!!! Then it goes on to say how God changed him and used him, even in the jail cell. Then when he got out he thought he had it sussed! Many of us go through that stage dont we? We think we know it all and everything is rosey then we look back and see we left God waaay back there! Anyways you gotta read it to hear what happened, its amazing!

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