Saturday, September 09, 2006

Nightmares again! FUSION!!!!

Last night i had more nightmares and only got two hours sleep. Thats pretty pants and it was the scariest thing ever! I went to Sandra who is the kinda pastor type person here and she prayed in my room.
FUSION!!!!!!!!!!! Was brilliant last night. We had 13 young kids between 11 -15 and it was a great laugh. Jen has taken it over as it used to be called 'Dont Miss It!' (pants name!) and there was no talk of God in it but she has changed it to Fusion and has a 20 minute 'God slot' at the end. Kinda like refuel! Very cool!
Was supposed to practice on the drums but they have been taken down ready to go to the Big joining of the churches where ive to play!

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