Friday, September 08, 2006

Out of place

Bryony has gone (she was here for the summer) and now i feel out of place. Its strange but i know God has planned for this. I dont know His plan but i sure wish i did. Its amazing how in a place so full of people, one can feel alone.
I spent most of my free time today up on my roof. The weather has been incredible so i spent some quality time with my Lord. He made it clear to me that if He controls the very movement of the leaves on the trees then how much more is He in control of my life. It was very comforting because the best place for anyone to be is in the palm of His hand.
I went mountain biking and climbed upa big hill a few days ago with one of the instructors (Mark VB). IT was an amazing day that i almost missed out on. I didnt want to go when i realised a big bunch of guys were going but in the end they all chickened out and Bryony came up with Mark to let me know. It was an amazing day. It was raining and i was filthy after the bike ride but it was definately a good day. Chatting with Mark was nice. He is a very decent guy and i could have serious conversations as well as daft ones with him which was good.
Bryony was the coolest person here. I dont even think she realises how amazing a person she is. She is very funny and very real and i already miss her a great deal. I could relax easier when she was there. I dont know why really. I guess im always like that. When i think back to Falkirk i pretty much always have been that way havent i? I feel confortable when theres someone i can relate to or someone i feel secure around. I dont know how to word it. I dont like large groups of people. It overwhelms me at times but i can relax better when theres someone nearby i trust. Does that make sense?
Now i am totally rambling!
There are some lovely people here and i can see God is doing something but i dont know where my place is. Ive only been here three and a bit weeks so i should really give myself a bit more time to settle. I have Gods peace thankfully. God is amazing! I love the way He always listens when we pray and is always eager to spend time with us.

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