Friday, September 15, 2006

Fusion!!! WOOP WOOP!!!

Fusion rocked again tonight! We had a master chef competition and the kids had an absolute ball! We made banners to cover the walls too on a big piece of fabric with fabric crayons and it looks amazing! The children there really enjoy it and they stayed focused when Waldir did the God slot. He spoke on the rooster crowing and reminding Peter instantly about what he had just done. Sometimes God sets things in our paths like a rooster crowing to remind us of what we are doing so we stop and get back on His path.
Stayed with Bryony and her sis Jane last night. We went to Jack and Alisons for dinner and a quiz night with worship at the end. brill night. Im gonna miss those nights as they were amazing fun and i was free to worship and talk about whatever God laid on my heart. Its nice being in the company of people like minded who are open to challenges but also quite happily make a fool of themselves for a laugh too. Bryony goes to Spain dor a weeks holiday then to South Africa with her soccer team to minister for two weeks before going back home to New Zealand. Pray for her and the girls protection and also for good health.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we want more news!!! keep up the good work, girlfriend! I am hard ( really...)at work at my new job! It's great. I love it! Hope you're still enjoying nethy life. And it is a place you can feel lonely. Amazing how that happens with so many people around you. Luckily (well there's no luck in the kingdom...only blessings!) God always has time for us. Big hug, Aafke