Thursday, September 21, 2006


Been a rollercoaster of a week. Time out was great and the school had a blast. I did some fun activities with the kids and got an opportunity to just love them and get to know them. Thats probably the best part of being here for me. Im not big into the activities but being able to speak into so many childrens lives just by being there for them is a great blessing and one i know i dont deserve.
My mother has been causig some upset at home so those who pray - i would greatly value your prayers as she doesnt know Christ but needs him and needs him soon before its too late! This has sent my emotions a bit mental this week. At first i was strengthened and could feel Gods peace which got me through the first few days but right now i just want to go home! I feel like the bad daughter being here and i would go home right now if i could. I have nobody here i can talk to about it which makes it all feel a million times worse. If Sandra was here then i would talk to her. The next few days i will be looking after her lil doggy so maybe that will offer some comfort.

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