Thursday, October 05, 2006


Loads has happened since i last updated this but the computer was down for a bit and i was too busy.
Sandra is back! YAAY!! So its nice having her around again. The team fellowship was separated into two groups. All the women were together and had a good time. It gave me a chance to talk to some people that i hadnt in a while.
Im coming home a week on Friday! WOOP WOOP! Tho i might have written about that already? I dunno.
Im doin time out with Stuart, Alan and Scott MAc next week so im definately looking forward to that.
Fusion last Friday was immense! Jen was in Newcastle so i gave a word at the end and it all went well. The kids had an excellent time and the message linked well with the activities planned.
I helped out at 7-11 on Tuesday as well as they were short staffed due to man-flu. It was an excellent laugh and made me miss The Source a whole big heap!
My mum sent me a text saying she had posted an important letter to me and she hoped i got it soon. That was three days ago and it hasnt arrived yet.
Too tired to write any more but just know that i am having a good time and God is better than toast with chocolate spread!

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