Sunday, October 08, 2006


Had a great day today. Church at Nethy was brilliant! Alans dad was a guest speaker and he talked about the bridesmaids making sure they were prepared for when the bridegroom came. He went into detail regarding the fact that others thought they would be able to get through on the faith of others but they obviously didnt know the bridegroom or else they would have made sure they had enough oil.
I also went river kayacking for the first time ever. I absolutely loved it. It was brilliant being on the water. The choppy waves were excellent fun and i got soaked (tho didnt fall in! yay me!) but i didnt care. Mark was a good teacher as there were a few of us there for the first time.
Afterwards i went to Stellas for dinner. We had a lovely roast lamb with all the trimmings! It was nice spending time away from the centre with people who are excellent fun and love the Lord.
This week im on Time Out. This is what being here is all about for me. I love everything about it! I love watching the kids have an awesome time and being able to share the gospel with them. The team is a pretty good one. Stuart, Alan, Scotty Mac and ME!
I head home on Friday and i cant wait! Im very excited about seeing everyone again, even if its only for a short time.

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