Thursday, October 19, 2006

The latest news from Po-ville!!!

Well well well! Where should i start on the happenings in my life? Im not entirely sure so i shall just ramble on and see what comes out.
Still no news from my mother but im trusting God to deal with that and im not reacting like i feel she wants me to. god is much bigger and stronger. He can see the begining and the end of all this so its better off left with Him.
Josh and i did a lil bible study on Malachi 1:6-14. OUCH! My word! Sair yin! But very very true and something we should remember while going about our daily tasks as everything we do shoud be a suitable sacrifice to the almighty king. Who would you find it easier to sacrifice for? God or a friend? This question got a good few people involved. As they were going past they ended up getting involved and joining in.
Time out was awesome! Excellent team and even better children. The backlight was excellent on making the cross stand out and they all loved the barbecue at the end as well.

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