Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas Celerbations

I had an excellent time with my foster mum on Christmas day. We chilled, watched great movies, had a great natter and are rubbish!
I made the mistake of spending time with my real family on boxing day tho. My niece Ashley called and wanted me to see all her new things so i went down. Mum managed to rip my heart out and destroy me within the first half hour of being there. I dont understand why she doesnt love me. I dont understand why she gleefully makes sure i know that i am seperate from the family. Lorraine didnt help by talking about how great it is to have the whole family there and having a great christmas. I wasnt invited to spend christmas with my family but im used to that. Still hurts when they constantly go on about how great it was for them without me and blatantly make plans for the boxing day meal cutting me out of it all. My little brother is awesome tho. It was worth the hurt to see him and my three nieces.
Thankfully i didnt have to be there overnight. Ive been staying with a family who love me like their own.
Tho my family cause me a great lonliness, God reminds me that he is with me and will never leave me, even unto the end of time. His love is what brings me through. He gives me people who choose to have me in their life and love me for who i am. He is a very good God.


Anonymous said...

Hey toots wouldni have been the same without yi , yir ma wee girl and I love you x x

Aafke said...

We want more, we want more!!!

Aafke said...

NEWS, NEWS, NEWS, NEWS, WE WANT NEWS! What's happening in your life?