Saturday, December 02, 2006

Words of Authority

This teaching on words of authority hit home to me. This happens in our daily lives. The words people speak to us can either kill or cure us. Words cause more damage than any beating ever could. This is from personal experience. The words spoken into my life have caused me more upset than any of the abuse that has been in my life. But the word of God has amazing power. The more i read His word and the more i listen to His voice, the more special i feel and empowered i come. Christs words have a stronger hold than past words from people. Sometimes when i feel vulnerable the past comments can come back but im working on stopping that with His strength. Im thankful for people like my foster mum who is always honest with em and always makes me feel loved no matter how long its been since ive spent quality time with her. Just being around her for a few moments reminds me that i have the greatest mum i could have hoped for in her. I wasnt born into her family but she loves me enough to include me always in her family.

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