Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bikes and Time out

We went out on the mountain bikes round Nethybridge yesterday which was nice. Got to see some of the local scenery which is just beautiful. Later on that night i helped with Time out and it went great. We were telling 60 children that god thinks they are special. Today they will learn what god says in the bible and tomorrow im in a drama teaching them about sin and how God can cleanse us from sin. Had a great chat with Afke (from Holland) and Bryonny (from New Zealand) last night. Unfortunately they leave soon tho! BOO!!!
Ive finished work for today and im gonna chill on my fabulous rooftop with my bounty drink my momma sent me!

1 comment:

Eddie said...

Hi Kiddo.

Good to see your enjoying yourself. Bounty drinks, huh?

There is no greater privilege than speaking into the life of another. And finding permission to do so is rarely given.

With the speaking into anothers life comes a great responsibility. For we can affect others greatly, through the power or lacklustre of our words.

Keep a cheerful outlook, drink plenty of bounty drinks, laugh, have fun with new found friends and keep the goodness of God in mind.

Oh, one more thing from my time in the Men's Home and perfect for a close Christian community. Two words, Servanthood and Obedience.

God Bless.
