Wednesday, September 13, 2006

American children!

Are by far the WORST children in the universe! They genuinely make me want to rip my ears off so i dont need to hear their whiney voices anymore! We have a bunch of them in just now and they are the rudest kids i have ever met. Everything people hate about America is in these kids! Im not pulling your leg! They are the most obnoxious bunch ever and they think they rule the universe! I cant wait until they are gone!


Anonymous said...

Hang on in there toots and just be thankful you never ended up living over there ! ? lol

Gallus_lassie said...

HAHA! I totally know who wrote that comment! HEEHEE!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh don't worry girl. The adults are by far worse then the kids. Trust me. ;)

*~~* said...

I'm sorry you had a bad experience. It was not the average person/child from the U.S. The rich, spoiled ones ruin the reputation of the rest. When I read your blog from the top, I thought how cool is was that I have a "Christian" sister somewhere far away. Then I read that post and felt bad for you. Please realize that only a few can send their kids abroad and it only represents a small percentage. Then I read the comments from others. I am part hurt - that you would judge all in that manner, but I understand that it's all you know. I hope you realize that the rich, politicians, actors/actresses, models, etc. are not the norm here. My kids would have been disciplined if I had heard such a report; however, you probably wouldn't have had to make a bad report, because they know what I expect. If you ever come to California (central valley), let me know and I will give you true hospitality!

Gallus_lassie said...


the first comment is from my foster mother regarding the fact i almost married someone who was american so she was trying to make me laugh. The second comment id from a very dear American friend of mine. Also having a laugh. Dont take everything so personally:)