I had an excellent time with my foster mum on Christmas day. We chilled, watched great movies, had a great natter and are rubbish!
I made the mistake of spending time with my real family on boxing day tho. My niece Ashley called and wanted me to see all her new things so i went down. Mum managed to rip my heart out and destroy me within the first half hour of being there. I dont understand why she doesnt love me. I dont understand why she gleefully makes sure i know that i am seperate from the family. Lorraine didnt help by talking about how great it is to have the whole family there and having a great christmas. I wasnt invited to spend christmas with my family but im used to that. Still hurts when they constantly go on about how great it was for them without me and blatantly make plans for the boxing day meal cutting me out of it all. My little brother is awesome tho. It was worth the hurt to see him and my three nieces.
Thankfully i didnt have to be there overnight. Ive been staying with a family who love me like their own.
Tho my family cause me a great lonliness, God reminds me that he is with me and will never leave me, even unto the end of time. His love is what brings me through. He gives me people who choose to have me in their life and love me for who i am. He is a very good God.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
I'm in a very thoughtful mood today. Thinking about what God might want from me in the new year. He has given me so much and changed me to the point where im sometimes in shock if i think about it too much. But in some respects im exactly the same as i always have been. Its been a time to find myself and its been a good time.
Im going to visit the family today and stayin gover. that wont be easy but im still very excited about spending some time with Ashley, Katie and Cara. They are the greatest gifts from God.
Im going to visit the family today and stayin gover. that wont be easy but im still very excited about spending some time with Ashley, Katie and Cara. They are the greatest gifts from God.
Yes im back in Falkirk and straight back serving God in my home church as soon as i got back. It made me still feel a part of it all as sometimes being away is hard. I miss home but not enought to want to come back yet. My time in Abernethy has been awesome with both highs and lows but growth through it all. Im looking forward to what the new year as to offer. Im planning on practising my rolling as i want to get my stars in kayacking. My ain with God is to focus on developing my walk with Him (tho this is something we shoudl all be doing all the time annyway) btu i want to focus on understanding my self image and change it to be gods image i see. I want to understand my purpose in this life and where God wants me to be and what His thoughts are regarding me.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Extravagant Worship
Stuart also spoke on Extravagant worship. I didnt learn anything new but was very encouraged to hear about this woman and how she expressed her love for Jesus. To sit and soak up His presence was awesome and i was very blessed to be a part of it. The closeness of His presence was awesome. I love it when He is so tangible! The thing that amazes me is that He chooses to be that close to us and only yearns to be even closer and more often. Its us that get caught up in todays troubles and take our eyes of the King of Kings.
Intimacy with Jesus is the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced and i want more and more every time we meet. If you havent had that closeness in a while then i encourage you to seek it today.
Intimacy with Jesus is the most beautiful thing i have ever experienced and i want more and more every time we meet. If you havent had that closeness in a while then i encourage you to seek it today.
Words of Authority
This teaching on words of authority hit home to me. This happens in our daily lives. The words people speak to us can either kill or cure us. Words cause more damage than any beating ever could. This is from personal experience. The words spoken into my life have caused me more upset than any of the abuse that has been in my life. But the word of God has amazing power. The more i read His word and the more i listen to His voice, the more special i feel and empowered i come. Christs words have a stronger hold than past words from people. Sometimes when i feel vulnerable the past comments can come back but im working on stopping that with His strength. Im thankful for people like my foster mum who is always honest with em and always makes me feel loved no matter how long its been since ive spent quality time with her. Just being around her for a few moments reminds me that i have the greatest mum i could have hoped for in her. I wasnt born into her family but she loves me enough to include me always in her family.
The conference was an absolute blast and indeed a time when God moved personally in my life. I faced the challenge of getting to know new people each day and even amazed myself at how much i enjoyed talking to people from different centres. Gartmore house on first viewing reminded me of the hotel from the film 'The Shining'. Kinda creepy! But inside it is magnificent! Full of the peace of God and the people who work there are practically invisible!
Teaching - The services with Stuart Blythe were interesting. I was drawn into the one about words of authoruty. He explained that people who knew YOU and who knew your name had authority over you (back in the days of Jesus) they had some kind of power so to know someones name was giving them knowledge. Thats why the evil spirit in mark 1:21-27 called out His name saying 'I know who you are- the Holy One sent from God'. This evil spirit wasnt shouting out His name in acknowledgement and praise but to gain power over Jesus by his own knowledge. Jesus shows His authority comes higest when he tells the evil spirit to 'be silent' and the evil spirit comes out with a shriek....but not one word is uttered from this spirit again! The words from God hold more authorty than any other. This piece of scripture had never fully made sense to me. I always wondered why Jesus made him silent. I thought He just didnt want the evil spirit telling everyone His name but that wasnt the case. Jesus didnt want the evil spirit to think he had any kinda power over the living God. Jesus turned the usual ways of life on its head. This evil spirit thought he had power and Jesus proved Him wrong. This goes on all the way through His life. Even to the cross. The enemy thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross but Jesus turned it all on its head. He showed the enemy that He has power even over death. Jesus is amazing!
Teaching - The services with Stuart Blythe were interesting. I was drawn into the one about words of authoruty. He explained that people who knew YOU and who knew your name had authority over you (back in the days of Jesus) they had some kind of power so to know someones name was giving them knowledge. Thats why the evil spirit in mark 1:21-27 called out His name saying 'I know who you are- the Holy One sent from God'. This evil spirit wasnt shouting out His name in acknowledgement and praise but to gain power over Jesus by his own knowledge. Jesus shows His authority comes higest when he tells the evil spirit to 'be silent' and the evil spirit comes out with a shriek....but not one word is uttered from this spirit again! The words from God hold more authorty than any other. This piece of scripture had never fully made sense to me. I always wondered why Jesus made him silent. I thought He just didnt want the evil spirit telling everyone His name but that wasnt the case. Jesus didnt want the evil spirit to think he had any kinda power over the living God. Jesus turned the usual ways of life on its head. This evil spirit thought he had power and Jesus proved Him wrong. This goes on all the way through His life. Even to the cross. The enemy thought he had won when Jesus died on the cross but Jesus turned it all on its head. He showed the enemy that He has power even over death. Jesus is amazing!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I cant find the words to express all that has been going on of late. Sometimes i underestimate the power of our God and He amazes me in the ways He uses those who love Him and are willing to be used. Time out is incredible. The opportunity to share the gospel with high school kids last week has blown my mind. The response was unreal. God was in the house and He opened hearts.Kayacking is my new love! I saved myself from rapids too! YAY ME! This weekend has been an incredible time of learning for me. It has made me realize how important our choices are and the power we have within each of us. We have the power of His Holy Sprirt and yet we still inderestimate all that God can and will do through us. We misunderstand how to deal with stuations by looking at them with eyes of the world rather than eyes of faith. God has amazed me! He always does. Thats why He is God.We disrespect our bodies constantly and its an absolute slap in the face at God. He gave us these temples and trusts us to look after them. He gave us a heart that needs guarding from all the filth of the world and yet we choose to watch corrupt tv, listen do idle chatter and blast music that damns His name. The challenges here are unlike anything i have ever experienced in my walk with God but it has made me go deeper with Him. I would have loved to have understood all this years ago so i didnt make all the wrong choices back then but unfortunately i cant turn back time. Sometimes i look at the future and think 'Lord, do you really want to use me in this way?' Im amazed!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Its my little cousins funeral today. thats a bit sad so keep them in your prayers.
I spent the day in the freezer doing stock checks with Stephen. INCREDIBLY COLD!!
Im coming home for George Miller! YIPPEE!!!!!
I spent the day in the freezer doing stock checks with Stephen. INCREDIBLY COLD!!
Im coming home for George Miller! YIPPEE!!!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Cousins death
My cousin Conor died today. He was only seven years old. He has all sorts of illnesses like cerebal palsay and hydrocephalus. He was pretty much a vegetable all his life. I am glad his pain is over but sad for the family. He was an identical twin. He had 5 brothers and sisters who now dont have him there. Kinda lost on words today.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Todays service
Church was good ths morning. Sandra spoke clearly on the judgement of Christ and how he will separate to the left and to the right. Last night we watched a video interview of Bono from U2 being interviewed by the pastor of Willow Creek church. It was regarding the same piece of scripture and definately got me thinking about his i serve those around me and in the world. Jesus said 'what you do unto the least of these so you do unto me.' Thats a pretty strong comment to focus on. How we treat those around us Jesus said we are treating him. We have to remember these things when we are serving others daily in every action taken and word spoken. Rather than thinking 'what would Jesus think?' im going to try to adopt the thought patter of... 'what if that person were Jesus'?
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Mark VB
Well well well! Good day all round. Had some excellent conversationg with Josh about Church, God and poloticts! Was a good way to get through time share cleaning.
But on another note........Lorraine (my sis) called me but i missed her call. I phoned her back and mum answered! She sounded good and jolly. She quickly gave the phone to Ashley (like she didnt want to talk to me incase i asked her anything! lol) and it was great hearing her lovely wee voice. She was so excited to hear from me! She asked loads of questions and i just loved talking to her. She is the coolest niece in the universe and has made this day special. Im so incredibly blessed to be a part of her precious life. Katie is still a chunkey monkey and Cara is weighing around 5lbs and will be getting out of hospital next week! Thats a whole month early because she is doing so well. What an obvious intervention of God! She isnt supposed to be getting out until the end of November but she is doing brilliantly so she can get out early. God is awesome!
But on another note........Lorraine (my sis) called me but i missed her call. I phoned her back and mum answered! She sounded good and jolly. She quickly gave the phone to Ashley (like she didnt want to talk to me incase i asked her anything! lol) and it was great hearing her lovely wee voice. She was so excited to hear from me! She asked loads of questions and i just loved talking to her. She is the coolest niece in the universe and has made this day special. Im so incredibly blessed to be a part of her precious life. Katie is still a chunkey monkey and Cara is weighing around 5lbs and will be getting out of hospital next week! Thats a whole month early because she is doing so well. What an obvious intervention of God! She isnt supposed to be getting out until the end of November but she is doing brilliantly so she can get out early. God is awesome!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The latest news from Po-ville!!!
Well well well! Where should i start on the happenings in my life? Im not entirely sure so i shall just ramble on and see what comes out.
Still no news from my mother but im trusting God to deal with that and im not reacting like i feel she wants me to. god is much bigger and stronger. He can see the begining and the end of all this so its better off left with Him.
Josh and i did a lil bible study on Malachi 1:6-14. OUCH! My word! Sair yin! But very very true and something we should remember while going about our daily tasks as everything we do shoud be a suitable sacrifice to the almighty king. Who would you find it easier to sacrifice for? God or a friend? This question got a good few people involved. As they were going past they ended up getting involved and joining in.
Time out was awesome! Excellent team and even better children. The backlight was excellent on making the cross stand out and they all loved the barbecue at the end as well.
Still no news from my mother but im trusting God to deal with that and im not reacting like i feel she wants me to. god is much bigger and stronger. He can see the begining and the end of all this so its better off left with Him.
Josh and i did a lil bible study on Malachi 1:6-14. OUCH! My word! Sair yin! But very very true and something we should remember while going about our daily tasks as everything we do shoud be a suitable sacrifice to the almighty king. Who would you find it easier to sacrifice for? God or a friend? This question got a good few people involved. As they were going past they ended up getting involved and joining in.
Time out was awesome! Excellent team and even better children. The backlight was excellent on making the cross stand out and they all loved the barbecue at the end as well.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Had a great day today. Church at Nethy was brilliant! Alans dad was a guest speaker and he talked about the bridesmaids making sure they were prepared for when the bridegroom came. He went into detail regarding the fact that others thought they would be able to get through on the faith of others but they obviously didnt know the bridegroom or else they would have made sure they had enough oil.
I also went river kayacking for the first time ever. I absolutely loved it. It was brilliant being on the water. The choppy waves were excellent fun and i got soaked (tho didnt fall in! yay me!) but i didnt care. Mark was a good teacher as there were a few of us there for the first time.
Afterwards i went to Stellas for dinner. We had a lovely roast lamb with all the trimmings! It was nice spending time away from the centre with people who are excellent fun and love the Lord.
This week im on Time Out. This is what being here is all about for me. I love everything about it! I love watching the kids have an awesome time and being able to share the gospel with them. The team is a pretty good one. Stuart, Alan, Scotty Mac and ME!
I head home on Friday and i cant wait! Im very excited about seeing everyone again, even if its only for a short time.
I also went river kayacking for the first time ever. I absolutely loved it. It was brilliant being on the water. The choppy waves were excellent fun and i got soaked (tho didnt fall in! yay me!) but i didnt care. Mark was a good teacher as there were a few of us there for the first time.
Afterwards i went to Stellas for dinner. We had a lovely roast lamb with all the trimmings! It was nice spending time away from the centre with people who are excellent fun and love the Lord.
This week im on Time Out. This is what being here is all about for me. I love everything about it! I love watching the kids have an awesome time and being able to share the gospel with them. The team is a pretty good one. Stuart, Alan, Scotty Mac and ME!
I head home on Friday and i cant wait! Im very excited about seeing everyone again, even if its only for a short time.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Letter? letter?
where for art thou letter?
Was she lying to mess with my head?
Did she send one at all?
Well if she did lie to mess with my head then it worked.
Im trying to trust in God but i cant stop wondering why she would text me to say theres an important letter sent for me but still it hasnt arrived. Im not going to contact her until it comes. Im coming home in a few days but i am not going near my family as i dont htink that would be too good just now. I dont know what she is playing at but it is upsetting me.
Im so glad i have a loving Heavenly Father who will help me through.
where for art thou letter?
Was she lying to mess with my head?
Did she send one at all?
Well if she did lie to mess with my head then it worked.
Im trying to trust in God but i cant stop wondering why she would text me to say theres an important letter sent for me but still it hasnt arrived. Im not going to contact her until it comes. Im coming home in a few days but i am not going near my family as i dont htink that would be too good just now. I dont know what she is playing at but it is upsetting me.
Im so glad i have a loving Heavenly Father who will help me through.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Loads has happened since i last updated this but the computer was down for a bit and i was too busy.
Sandra is back! YAAY!! So its nice having her around again. The team fellowship was separated into two groups. All the women were together and had a good time. It gave me a chance to talk to some people that i hadnt in a while.
Im coming home a week on Friday! WOOP WOOP! Tho i might have written about that already? I dunno.
Im doin time out with Stuart, Alan and Scott MAc next week so im definately looking forward to that.
Fusion last Friday was immense! Jen was in Newcastle so i gave a word at the end and it all went well. The kids had an excellent time and the message linked well with the activities planned.
I helped out at 7-11 on Tuesday as well as they were short staffed due to man-flu. It was an excellent laugh and made me miss The Source a whole big heap!
My mum sent me a text saying she had posted an important letter to me and she hoped i got it soon. That was three days ago and it hasnt arrived yet.
Too tired to write any more but just know that i am having a good time and God is better than toast with chocolate spread!
Sandra is back! YAAY!! So its nice having her around again. The team fellowship was separated into two groups. All the women were together and had a good time. It gave me a chance to talk to some people that i hadnt in a while.
Im coming home a week on Friday! WOOP WOOP! Tho i might have written about that already? I dunno.
Im doin time out with Stuart, Alan and Scott MAc next week so im definately looking forward to that.
Fusion last Friday was immense! Jen was in Newcastle so i gave a word at the end and it all went well. The kids had an excellent time and the message linked well with the activities planned.
I helped out at 7-11 on Tuesday as well as they were short staffed due to man-flu. It was an excellent laugh and made me miss The Source a whole big heap!
My mum sent me a text saying she had posted an important letter to me and she hoped i got it soon. That was three days ago and it hasnt arrived yet.
Too tired to write any more but just know that i am having a good time and God is better than toast with chocolate spread!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
I received lots of gifts this week. Made me feel all loved and missed! My momma (not my biological mother, my momma is way cooler! ;) sent me some yummy hot chocolate drinks. I had the white chocolate one last night and it was delicious. Papa Bear and Val sent me cd's of music and church services which were very cool and oreo cookies! YUMMY!! Everyone commented on me being so popular as i had mail every day of the week and had a new letter or parcel to open.
I read the most amazing book the other day ( i read it in one day) called 'Taming the Tiger - The story of a real kung-fu artist'. The guys story is incredible! He went through a lot as a child that would be called honourable in China but he was basically abused viciously by his family and shifted about from pillar to post. He became the gratest kung-fu expert and believed that the only God was the God within himself. He ended up in jail and all sorts of madness happened including FINDING JESUS!! YAAY!!! Then it goes on to say how God changed him and used him, even in the jail cell. Then when he got out he thought he had it sussed! Many of us go through that stage dont we? We think we know it all and everything is rosey then we look back and see we left God waaay back there! Anyways you gotta read it to hear what happened, its amazing!
I read the most amazing book the other day ( i read it in one day) called 'Taming the Tiger - The story of a real kung-fu artist'. The guys story is incredible! He went through a lot as a child that would be called honourable in China but he was basically abused viciously by his family and shifted about from pillar to post. He became the gratest kung-fu expert and believed that the only God was the God within himself. He ended up in jail and all sorts of madness happened including FINDING JESUS!! YAAY!!! Then it goes on to say how God changed him and used him, even in the jail cell. Then when he got out he thought he had it sussed! Many of us go through that stage dont we? We think we know it all and everything is rosey then we look back and see we left God waaay back there! Anyways you gotta read it to hear what happened, its amazing!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Been a rollercoaster of a week. Time out was great and the school had a blast. I did some fun activities with the kids and got an opportunity to just love them and get to know them. Thats probably the best part of being here for me. Im not big into the activities but being able to speak into so many childrens lives just by being there for them is a great blessing and one i know i dont deserve.
My mother has been causig some upset at home so those who pray - i would greatly value your prayers as she doesnt know Christ but needs him and needs him soon before its too late! This has sent my emotions a bit mental this week. At first i was strengthened and could feel Gods peace which got me through the first few days but right now i just want to go home! I feel like the bad daughter being here and i would go home right now if i could. I have nobody here i can talk to about it which makes it all feel a million times worse. If Sandra was here then i would talk to her. The next few days i will be looking after her lil doggy so maybe that will offer some comfort.
My mother has been causig some upset at home so those who pray - i would greatly value your prayers as she doesnt know Christ but needs him and needs him soon before its too late! This has sent my emotions a bit mental this week. At first i was strengthened and could feel Gods peace which got me through the first few days but right now i just want to go home! I feel like the bad daughter being here and i would go home right now if i could. I have nobody here i can talk to about it which makes it all feel a million times worse. If Sandra was here then i would talk to her. The next few days i will be looking after her lil doggy so maybe that will offer some comfort.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Fusion!!! WOOP WOOP!!!
Fusion rocked again tonight! We had a master chef competition and the kids had an absolute ball! We made banners to cover the walls too on a big piece of fabric with fabric crayons and it looks amazing! The children there really enjoy it and they stayed focused when Waldir did the God slot. He spoke on the rooster crowing and reminding Peter instantly about what he had just done. Sometimes God sets things in our paths like a rooster crowing to remind us of what we are doing so we stop and get back on His path.
Stayed with Bryony and her sis Jane last night. We went to Jack and Alisons for dinner and a quiz night with worship at the end. brill night. Im gonna miss those nights as they were amazing fun and i was free to worship and talk about whatever God laid on my heart. Its nice being in the company of people like minded who are open to challenges but also quite happily make a fool of themselves for a laugh too. Bryony goes to Spain dor a weeks holiday then to South Africa with her soccer team to minister for two weeks before going back home to New Zealand. Pray for her and the girls protection and also for good health.
Stayed with Bryony and her sis Jane last night. We went to Jack and Alisons for dinner and a quiz night with worship at the end. brill night. Im gonna miss those nights as they were amazing fun and i was free to worship and talk about whatever God laid on my heart. Its nice being in the company of people like minded who are open to challenges but also quite happily make a fool of themselves for a laugh too. Bryony goes to Spain dor a weeks holiday then to South Africa with her soccer team to minister for two weeks before going back home to New Zealand. Pray for her and the girls protection and also for good health.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
American children!
Are by far the WORST children in the universe! They genuinely make me want to rip my ears off so i dont need to hear their whiney voices anymore! We have a bunch of them in just now and they are the rudest kids i have ever met. Everything people hate about America is in these kids! Im not pulling your leg! They are the most obnoxious bunch ever and they think they rule the universe! I cant wait until they are gone!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Nightmares again! FUSION!!!!
Last night i had more nightmares and only got two hours sleep. Thats pretty pants and it was the scariest thing ever! I went to Sandra who is the kinda pastor type person here and she prayed in my room.
FUSION!!!!!!!!!!! Was brilliant last night. We had 13 young kids between 11 -15 and it was a great laugh. Jen has taken it over as it used to be called 'Dont Miss It!' (pants name!) and there was no talk of God in it but she has changed it to Fusion and has a 20 minute 'God slot' at the end. Kinda like refuel! Very cool!
Was supposed to practice on the drums but they have been taken down ready to go to the Big joining of the churches where ive to play!
FUSION!!!!!!!!!!! Was brilliant last night. We had 13 young kids between 11 -15 and it was a great laugh. Jen has taken it over as it used to be called 'Dont Miss It!' (pants name!) and there was no talk of God in it but she has changed it to Fusion and has a 20 minute 'God slot' at the end. Kinda like refuel! Very cool!
Was supposed to practice on the drums but they have been taken down ready to go to the Big joining of the churches where ive to play!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Out of place
Bryony has gone (she was here for the summer) and now i feel out of place. Its strange but i know God has planned for this. I dont know His plan but i sure wish i did. Its amazing how in a place so full of people, one can feel alone.
I spent most of my free time today up on my roof. The weather has been incredible so i spent some quality time with my Lord. He made it clear to me that if He controls the very movement of the leaves on the trees then how much more is He in control of my life. It was very comforting because the best place for anyone to be is in the palm of His hand.
I went mountain biking and climbed upa big hill a few days ago with one of the instructors (Mark VB). IT was an amazing day that i almost missed out on. I didnt want to go when i realised a big bunch of guys were going but in the end they all chickened out and Bryony came up with Mark to let me know. It was an amazing day. It was raining and i was filthy after the bike ride but it was definately a good day. Chatting with Mark was nice. He is a very decent guy and i could have serious conversations as well as daft ones with him which was good.
Bryony was the coolest person here. I dont even think she realises how amazing a person she is. She is very funny and very real and i already miss her a great deal. I could relax easier when she was there. I dont know why really. I guess im always like that. When i think back to Falkirk i pretty much always have been that way havent i? I feel confortable when theres someone i can relate to or someone i feel secure around. I dont know how to word it. I dont like large groups of people. It overwhelms me at times but i can relax better when theres someone nearby i trust. Does that make sense?
Now i am totally rambling!
There are some lovely people here and i can see God is doing something but i dont know where my place is. Ive only been here three and a bit weeks so i should really give myself a bit more time to settle. I have Gods peace thankfully. God is amazing! I love the way He always listens when we pray and is always eager to spend time with us.
I spent most of my free time today up on my roof. The weather has been incredible so i spent some quality time with my Lord. He made it clear to me that if He controls the very movement of the leaves on the trees then how much more is He in control of my life. It was very comforting because the best place for anyone to be is in the palm of His hand.
I went mountain biking and climbed upa big hill a few days ago with one of the instructors (Mark VB). IT was an amazing day that i almost missed out on. I didnt want to go when i realised a big bunch of guys were going but in the end they all chickened out and Bryony came up with Mark to let me know. It was an amazing day. It was raining and i was filthy after the bike ride but it was definately a good day. Chatting with Mark was nice. He is a very decent guy and i could have serious conversations as well as daft ones with him which was good.
Bryony was the coolest person here. I dont even think she realises how amazing a person she is. She is very funny and very real and i already miss her a great deal. I could relax easier when she was there. I dont know why really. I guess im always like that. When i think back to Falkirk i pretty much always have been that way havent i? I feel confortable when theres someone i can relate to or someone i feel secure around. I dont know how to word it. I dont like large groups of people. It overwhelms me at times but i can relax better when theres someone nearby i trust. Does that make sense?
Now i am totally rambling!
There are some lovely people here and i can see God is doing something but i dont know where my place is. Ive only been here three and a bit weeks so i should really give myself a bit more time to settle. I have Gods peace thankfully. God is amazing! I love the way He always listens when we pray and is always eager to spend time with us.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
The Dungeon!!!
DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!! Yup i did it! I managed to stay a whole evening in a proper dungeon! Me, bryony and her sis stayed over in the castle dungeon that Jane works in. We had dinner in a cool hall firstly with two people who were good fun and went to church with Jane but they didnt stay over. It was class!
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Just been paid but my egg card took the money out on the 29th which i forgot so crap charges there have now put me in to an overdraft i dont have thus sticking loads of charges on me and leaving me with no money to live off! Awesome! Just what i need when stuck out here! Absolutely no money and no way of fixing it!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I was asked to give my testimoney to the whole staff at the staff fellowship this evening. IT went fine i think. Nobody boo-ed me off stage anyways! HEEHEE
Tomorrow im off work and hoping to get out on a forest trek!
Tomorrow im off work and hoping to get out on a forest trek!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Inverness Church
Was A-MAZ-ING!!!!!!!!!!!!! To say the least. Probably the best church i have ever been to! The worship was so free and easy to enter in. The unity in that place is something i had not felt ina worship wervice in a very long time. The Elder spoke on growing in grace and the communion was done at the end of the service. Pastor Tom read from the bible how it was a fellowship meal regarding christ and the body which is His people. The servants stood down the front and everyoen who wanted communion was to come to thr front and commune to the brothers and sisters near them tell them how much they loved christ and what He had done for them. An amazing way to do communion! Afterwards we stayed at the vry funky church cafe and had lunch! The people there were so talkative and alive! I really aint dong the worship any favours here. You need to understand how amazed i was. There was a flow there! No main voice leading! No worship leader trying to talk people ito singing the way he wanted! No body trying to force the service into a hype! Pure worship from their hearts. I couldnt make out a main persn and i got completely lost in worshipping my Lord. Lost in a way i hadnt been in years. Massive mix of songs that were completely spirit led not led by what key they came in and whether they were easy to play or 'the song of the season because it was written in the church.' Just normal everyday people worshipping God. I swear i could hear the angels joining in! I want to go to heaven right now! I want ot worship Him like that forever!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Went out on the canoes witha mad bunch of kids. They were hilarious and we were jumping from one canoe to the other. I almost fell in but thankfully made it into my own one without getting soaked. A load of them wernt so lucky and fell right in the freezing cold lake! The sun was out so they dred up pretty quickly.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Bikes and Time out
We went out on the mountain bikes round Nethybridge yesterday which was nice. Got to see some of the local scenery which is just beautiful. Later on that night i helped with Time out and it went great. We were telling 60 children that god thinks they are special. Today they will learn what god says in the bible and tomorrow im in a drama teaching them about sin and how God can cleanse us from sin. Had a great chat with Afke (from Holland) and Bryonny (from New Zealand) last night. Unfortunately they leave soon tho! BOO!!!
Ive finished work for today and im gonna chill on my fabulous rooftop with my bounty drink my momma sent me!
Ive finished work for today and im gonna chill on my fabulous rooftop with my bounty drink my momma sent me!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Well church was astronomically boring!!!! The minister was telling us that if we are persecuted then we should just leave and go somewhere else because we shouldnt suffer persecution. Am i wrong but didnt Jesus say 'Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake'? Or something like that? Arnt there many many people all over the world beign persecuted for Christs sake and they could easily come home to their family but are following Gods call and staying put? Well im sure you can tell that the service annoyed me. Thankfully the staff fellowship later in the evening was a little less boring but with no teaching so i got some worship time. They have Sunday schools so hopefully i will do some of that stuff so i dont have to go to church! OOH BAD PO!
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Church day
Today will be my first church experience in Nethybridge. Im not particularlt looking forward to it as i really wanted to go to a church in Inverness that is more spirit filled and the services are more for people like me. The church im going to will be like a livened up church of scotland service *YAWN*. I hope im proved wrong!
Last night i was introduced to some Abernethy games! Some were tricky and i was the first one to catch onto once particular game regarding forks! We then played sardines with the whole house in darkness. One girl was so good at hiding that shenobody could find her for a whole hour! The game was hilarious!
I went through a phase of being very homesick last night but it went quickly.
Last night i was introduced to some Abernethy games! Some were tricky and i was the first one to catch onto once particular game regarding forks! We then played sardines with the whole house in darkness. One girl was so good at hiding that shenobody could find her for a whole hour! The game was hilarious!
I went through a phase of being very homesick last night but it went quickly.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Being stretched
Being stretched by God is probably one of the hardest things i have had to endure (and ive not even finished 1 week yet!). My time here is going to be eventful. Already i have been put on the spot about my testimoney to a small group which made me feel incredibly vulnerable. Vulnerability can be a good thing tho and i had never realised that before. It can be a good thing because it makes me lean and listen carefully for Gods reassurance. And God never lets me down as i have constantly heard Him say 'Im here with you' throughout my time here so far. I used to struggle to hear Gods voice but here i am sarurated in the word constantly. I have my own personal quiet time each morning and evening. Everywhere i go i am amazed and Gods creation. Yet im still me, im not invincible or ready to take on the world. I still feel like the little new kid who doesnt fit in (and probably wont all year).
Monday, August 14, 2006
Sunday, August 13, 2006
I spent the day at mommas house wi Bea. She is the coolest dog in all the land! Eddie wis pretendin to be ill but still managed to drink plenty tea!
Im packed and almost ready to go. Holiday club was a hit and i had SUCH a great time. wish i could be there next year but i cant! BOOHOO!!! Tonight we are doin the drama at church for everyone to laugh at me in a dress.
Im packed and almost ready to go. Holiday club was a hit and i had SUCH a great time. wish i could be there next year but i cant! BOOHOO!!! Tonight we are doin the drama at church for everyone to laugh at me in a dress.
Friday, August 04, 2006
M & D's
Monday, July 24, 2006
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Time is running out!
Wooh! Its almost time for me to head off to Abernethy! I have no idea what i should be taking with me so im just taking everything!!! Before i go, i have one more working week, then i visit Master Wilson (childrens leader master of all! Were not worthy! Were not worthy! Were scum! We suck!) Then its holiday club time and i get the pleasure of dressing up as atomb Raider and i can run around like Indiana Jones! WOOP WOOP!
Monday, June 26, 2006
New Arrival!!!!!

My sister gave birth to a cute wee girl (called Katie) on Friday. She weight 8lbs 14 and is a wee chunkey monkey!!!!!! I cant wait to go back through to Stirling and see her! Its enough to make me not want to go to Abernethy anymore! Ashley loved being a sister and had a special sister necklace from Katie when she went to the hospital. I think she feels a bit strange tho as when i was leaving she got a bit upset. I had spent all the time with Ashley while lots of people came to see the new baby.
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I had a bit of a disturbing dream last night. One of those ones that still creeps into your skin through the day. thankfully i can just chill today and wait for the sun to come out.
the Source was amazing last night! Truly fantastic! the children were in the zone man! heehee! The team were gelled too and it makes me realize just how much im going to miss being a part of it all. i learn tonnes of stuff for my own daily walk from the source work pages and i love seeing the children understand and remember things the following week. I love watching them worship and praise and put their own actions to proper worship songs. They are all just so cool!
Tonight is Refuel and the Rock! WOOP WOOP!!! Refuel is funny as the boys are hilarious! I love the banter that comes along with this age. Kinda nervous about tonight. dont know why but im expecting something big to happen i guess.
the Source was amazing last night! Truly fantastic! the children were in the zone man! heehee! The team were gelled too and it makes me realize just how much im going to miss being a part of it all. i learn tonnes of stuff for my own daily walk from the source work pages and i love seeing the children understand and remember things the following week. I love watching them worship and praise and put their own actions to proper worship songs. They are all just so cool!
Tonight is Refuel and the Rock! WOOP WOOP!!! Refuel is funny as the boys are hilarious! I love the banter that comes along with this age. Kinda nervous about tonight. dont know why but im expecting something big to happen i guess.
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Photos from France
12th August 2006
The date has arrived and i leave on the 12th of August! WOOPEE!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone wishing to spend time with me before i go had better hurry up and arrange a date as time is running out fast!
Working at the nursery kills time and gets me money to save before i go but i have no real enjoyment like i used to. I enjoy seeing my kids who i had in my room and i love playing with them but things seem to have changed considerably (regarding the staff) and the nursery just isnt like it used to be.
The source has been amazing and i will miss all the team and kiddies terribly. Its amazing watching the girls worshipping during the song time! I love playing the welcome games. Singing the 'yes- no' game with Nic is always hilarious! Spending Fridays in the church setting up for the source and leafleting is excellent fun too.
Work at Abernethy will be completely different. Its kinda scary but i know its gonna be great.
Working at the nursery kills time and gets me money to save before i go but i have no real enjoyment like i used to. I enjoy seeing my kids who i had in my room and i love playing with them but things seem to have changed considerably (regarding the staff) and the nursery just isnt like it used to be.
The source has been amazing and i will miss all the team and kiddies terribly. Its amazing watching the girls worshipping during the song time! I love playing the welcome games. Singing the 'yes- no' game with Nic is always hilarious! Spending Fridays in the church setting up for the source and leafleting is excellent fun too.
Work at Abernethy will be completely different. Its kinda scary but i know its gonna be great.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Monday, May 29, 2006
Random Ramblings
Tonight my mind is kinda mincing about. Im nervous about going to Abernethy but also remembering some of the fantastic times ive had recently! Alton towers was amazing! We had a great time and it gave me the chance to talk to some people who i never usually get the chance to. There was also the walk to raise money for the bus for alton towers. We had sucha great time walking along and catching up with each other. I especailly enjoyed listening to George talk about his packed lunch! SOD!
At Alton Towers, Tait were amazing! They are my new favourite christian band. I appreciated him talking about his father too. Having not had a responsible father i thought it wouldnt make sense to me but i have someone who is just like a big papa bear so i guess God gave me a replacement! woop woop! And God is also my Father but thats something we are still working on. Sometimes it feels naural but still sometimes the past seems too much to accept any kind of Father.
Ive also been thinking about writing my testimony (completely) in here for all to see. Im not sure who knows EVERYHTING up to date. I tend to tell a little at a time depending on what god wants. I dunno but watch this space just incase!
At Alton Towers, Tait were amazing! They are my new favourite christian band. I appreciated him talking about his father too. Having not had a responsible father i thought it wouldnt make sense to me but i have someone who is just like a big papa bear so i guess God gave me a replacement! woop woop! And God is also my Father but thats something we are still working on. Sometimes it feels naural but still sometimes the past seems too much to accept any kind of Father.
Ive also been thinking about writing my testimony (completely) in here for all to see. Im not sure who knows EVERYHTING up to date. I tend to tell a little at a time depending on what god wants. I dunno but watch this space just incase!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
My First Post

i have decided to open up my own blog because im a little bored just now and i also think it will be handy when im in Abernethy. I probably wont post everyone regular e-mails (unless i really really like you so im sure that wont be too many! MUAHAHAHAHAH) but i promise to faithfully update my blogspot!
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